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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions you should find the answers below. If not, just contact us via the form on the contact page and we will be in touch as soon as possible.


How do I book onto a retreat or workshop? 

You can book your ticket via the website. Go to the 'Retreats & Workshops' page and click on the retreat that interests you. The price of the ticket and booking button will be at the bottom of the page.  

Once you have paid you will then be prompted to complete a Registration and Physical Activity Readiness (PARQ) form


What if the retreat I am interested in is no longer listed?

Then the retreat has sold out or is no longer able to take bookings. You can subscribe to our mailing list and Instagram to be informed of any future retreats/workshops.


What is the minimum age to attend a retreat or workshop?
To attend the classes you must be at least 18 years old. 


Do you offer a payment plan?

​Yes, for some events you can opt to pay in full or in smaller installments, details will be listed at the bottom of each specific retreat/workshop page. 


I don't have a bank account, do you accept cash?
No, we do not accept cash.


Do you offer any discounts?
Yes. Occaisionally discounts may be available at certain times of the year or during product launches/promotions. Attendees to our retreats and workshops may receive discount vouchers for related events, products or services. Any such discounts will be advertised online or communicated via our newsletter and Instagram profile. 


I cannot attend all of the scheduled sessions or dates, can I receive a discount?

No. The classes and sessions are sold as a package and your space is reserved for you so cannot be sold on to someone else, hence a discount cannot be offered. Please consider you availability when booking your space.


What shall I wear?
The type of clothing you wear will depend on the event, any specific requirements will be detailed on the class page. 

In general, we advise that you wear comfortable clothing that will not restrict your movement and will allow your skin to breathe. 

Wear layers so that you can adjust your clothing depending on your temperature. 

Form fitting clothing will better allow your instructor to see your body alignment and correct your technique. However you are welcome to wear loose fitting clothing if this is what you prefer.
Trainers should be cushioned and non-slip. However we do also encourage bare foot training or barefoot socks/shoes for all of our classes. Bellydance, Barre and Yoga are all performed barefoot, to get the most out of the movement. If you prefer, you can wear non-slip Pilates/yoga socks.


What shall I bring with me?
Details of what to bring will be listed on each event page. In general, we suggest that you bring a drink of water and a small towel. All exercise equipment will be provided.  

Most retreats include complimentary drinks and/or food, details will be specified on the specific events page.


How do I inform you of my Dietary requirements?

Most retreats and workshops include complimentary refreshments, snacks and lunch and most workshops include refreshments, details will be specified on the specific events page. Please ensure that you inform us of any dietary allergies, requirements or preferences as soon as you have booked your ticket via the registration form and/or via email to


If I arrive late can I join in part way through the retreat/workshops?
Yes, however we advise that all participants try to arrive on time to make the most of their experience.

If you arrive late for a physical session/class then please note that you may have missed the warm-up which is designed to ensure that yiu are safely prepared for exercise. 
If you arrive more than 10 mins late for a class it may not be appropriate for you to join in.


How many people will be at the retreat/workshop?
Numbers of participants will vary based on the schedule and venue. Sizes ensure that participants can receive ample space to relax, adequate coaching to learn and that the presenters are able to interact with everyone.


How does the fitness professional instruct?

Do I need to be fit or experienced to take part in the physical sessions/classes

No, our exercise and movement classes are designed to cater to beginners with modifications (easier versions) or progressions (more challenging versions) available when required. The instructor will demonstrate the exercise and provide plenty of  safe teaching cues.

The instructor will sometimes move throughout the class to coach on technique or provide close-up instruction.


What is the atmosphere of the retreat/workshop like?
Our presenters cultivate a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere to all participants. Our ethos is to empower, enthuse and support women by providing an opportunity to learn, develop and have fun together. Our aim is to ensure that your retreat or workshop is a positive experience and that you leave feeling invigorated, happy and relaxed.  


If I have any questions, concerns or topics for discussion how can I contact the organisers or presenters?

We welcome your interaction on our Instagram profile so please feel free to post questions on there. If you prefer to communicate privately then you are welcome to send an email to or via the contact page on the website.

If there is time before, during, or after a class then you are welcome to arrive early or linger afterwards to ask any questions. 


If I have purchased retreat/workshop ticket and can no longer continue can I get a partial or full refund?

We do not offer refunds. However, you can transfer your unused ticket to another suitable person. Please contact us so that we can send your replacement participant instructions to complete a registration/PARQ form.


I have a medical condition that may affect my ability to participate in your classes or programme. How do I know whether it is suitable and safe for me and my condition/situation?

When you book onto a workshop or retreat you will be asked to complete an online screening health and physical activity readiness questionaire PARQ. Please complete this as honestly and fully as possible providing as much detail as possible so that your situation and suitability can be assessed.

We aim to provide a safe service for women and are deeply committed towards improving your health and wellness. Based on the information that you provide, if it is deemed that any element in our retreat or workshop is not suitable for you then you will be informed, the reason explained and an opportunity to transfer your ticket to someone else or receive a full refund will be offered. 


The advice that I have received from Restore Me retreats differs to those of my medical practitioner. Whose advice should I follow?

Restore Me retreats specialises in providing advice that we have the credentials to offer. We specialise in holistic wellness, wellbeing and lifestyle coaching and have your best interests in mind. However, our advice is not a medical or Psychological prescription and should not be considered as such. Therefore we always advise that you refer to the advice of your medical specialist first and foremost and consult with them if you are unsure of how to proceed.

If you are receiving any particular medical advice that you feel may be relevant then please disclose this during your screening or as soon as possible if it is issued thereafter, so that it can be taken into consideration.


What are the presenters and fitness professionals qualifications and training?

All presenters and instructors are qualified in the disciplines that they coach and have undertaken specialised professional development training. At least one member of the team will be First Aid trained and all are fully insured. Further details of their credentials can be found on the 'About' page of the website.


Can I provide feedback about the retreat/workshop?

Yes. We aim to provide the best service that we can and suggestions and feedback are always welcomed and encouraged. Your feedback will help us to improve our events. Please feel free to speak to your presenters, post comments on our Instagram profile or email us via our contact form. When you attend an event you will be offered an opportunity to film a short video testimonial. You will also receive a brief feedback form after the event by email. We appreciate any feedback that you are willing to provide.


I have really enjoyed my experience of the retreat or workshop and would like to provide a testimonial, how can I do this?

Please complete the questionnaire that you are sent during/after the course/class/sessions, send across an email via our contact form or film a short video (1-3 mins long) and send it to us at


If I am unhappy or dissatisfied with a retreat or event who do I contact?

We aim to offer a high quality event, that is both informative and enjoyable for you. If you are dissatisfied in any way then we welcome feedback and will endeavour to rectify any issues. Please contact us by email to or by completing any feedback forms that you receive after the event has ended, or at any time using the contact form on the website. 


I have questions that are not answered here, what do I do?

If you have anything else that you'd like to know you can contact us via email to Alternatively please email us using the contact form.

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