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Felicty Dutton

Therapist, Lifestyle & Wellbeing Coach

Founder of Felicity Dutton Lifestyle and Wellbeing

Co-founder of Restore Me retreats

Hello I'm Felicity. My passion is helping women find their focus, learn what is important to them and establish their goals all the while keeping their self care and wellbeing at the forefront.


I decided to become a therapist at a point in my life when I was faced with the scary reality that if I wanted a life I found satisfying it was down to me. Like many women this landed like a tonne of bricks after a big transition in my life. An adjustment from the life I knew then to a brand new unknown one in front of me. Scary at first but then, once I grabbed hold of it, totally liberating and empowering.


I was fortunate enough to have my own skills and a strong sense of self to draw upon at that time but that isn’t the case for everyone. Over the years I have worked with a broad spectrum of clients sharing my ability to bury negativity and doubt with positivity and self belief. Everyone I have worked with has been unique in their own way but I have learned that we all have a few things in common...


We all need help at some point in our lives.

Most of us think we shouldn't need it.

We all feel better having received it.


It can be hard getting out of your own way, facing your fears, asking for help, taking risks and following your heart but I can tell you first hand that it is worth it.

Maria Hilliard

Womens Wellness Coach, Personal Trainer, Group Exercise & Dance Instructor, Nutritional Therapist

Founder of Women into Wellness

Co-founder of Restore Me Retreats

Hi I'm Maria. My ethos is to help women find the answers and apply the strategies that bring them closer to holistic wellness and happiness as they navigate their way through their important life stages.


I am a mother to two wonderful daughters and I know what it is like to be a busy mum with very little time for yourself. I also know what it feels like to have concerns and questions about how to maximise your wellness, regain your strength, and body confidence, eat healthily, sleep well and manage stress.


I understand that we often face issues where our nutrition, exercise, breathing, posture, continence, body image, body composition and self-esteem can be compromised. That is why I apply my knowledge to provide you with effective strategies to manage them. I also teach you the whys, whats and hows so that you are empowered to embed these strategies throughout your life.


I know that we are not perfect and that it can be difficult to find the time for self-nurturing, that is why I meet you where you are at-no judgement and coach time-effective strategies that are effective and easy to embed into your life.


So here I am, brimming with enthusiasm, eager to meet you and help guide you towards a life filled with vitality!


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